Have a spooktacular night with your camera! Use the night shot mode with a tripod or a long exposure with flash in rear sync mode, to capture the Halloween Spirit. Check the children's' candy, be sure to sneak a piece or two for yourself. I like the Reeses Peanut Butter Cups, Kit Kats and Peanut M&Ms. How about you? This shot is done with an off camera flash, long exposure, tripod, and my S-C-A-R-Y son! I look forward to seeing what each of you post.
f/9, 15 sec., ISO 100
Ha ha...not scary at all!
It is wonderful!
Say hello to your son and have fun! ha ha
Please have a great weekend!
Regards from Romania!
I didn't get to do any photos for Halloween...which makes me sad. Plsu I habe to wrok all weekend. But I do get to be out and see everyone's costumes while I patrol around.
Cool photo by the way. Great tips as well.
Cool photo David! Thanks for the tips, I might, small might, go out tonight and see what I can find... it's weather dependent and homework dependent. Have a Happy Halloween!
Wasn't there a scary movie called Children of the Corn or something? That's what I immediately thought of when I saw this. I did my Halloween shot as part of my Phun Phriday! yesterday. You can see it here.
wow, that shot is definitely in the Halloween spirit! That is spooky and SO well captured!
fantasic capture to get into the spirit of halloween..
hope you have a good one..
Great shot David. Certainly has an air of menace about it.
David,you captured a pretty spooky photo.Hope you had a good Halloween.
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