This will be my last post of lady bugs for awhile. I hope to capture some through the summer but they may have all flown away. I see no sign of them at or near the release sight. Time will tell. I would like to photograph a child with a lady bug on their hand or arm. Little kids and the bugs they play with while outside will make for a great set of photos.
You may have noticed a change in the last few postings. A fellow blogger has had some of her work stolen, clammed, used without her permission and this has caused me to re-think posting pictures. Photography, art, paintings etc... is subjective, both to the producer of said work and those who view the work. You may like or hate it!
I have enjoyed viewing the photography and other works of art posted by bloggers from around the world. The idea of stealing, copying, or using it and claiming it for my own is unthinkable. If asked, many of us respond the same way.
I know some friends and family members have taken and used my pictures as screen savers, for their computers or phones. I may not object to this loudly and I would hope that I am given credit for it at the very least.
In the past my name has appeared at the bottom or the side of a picture. Like many of you, this is done to claim my work, yet I am still be willing to share it with others. By share I mean to view. Although my name can be cropped or photoshoped and the photograph claimed by others. I (We are) am not foolish enough to think that adding a name alone will stop it from being stolen. I believe people are good, but there are those who are not. I want to continue to post photos, inspire and be inspired by the work of others but will do it with trepidation.
My name will now appear across the subject of the photographs with the hope of frustrating those who might steal my work and use it for their own. I do not make a living from selling my pictures but believe anyone and everyone one should be compensated of for there work. Someday, I may have a photograph someone will be willing to pay for!