Sunday, November 14, 2010

Some Photoshop Skills

I don't edit my photos heavily, but once in a while its fun to create something from two or more photographs. The possibilities are endless if you have the time to spend and understand how to use the software. Digital photography has made us all skeptics as to what is real and what is fake.

It's hard not to look at a photograph and wonder what photoshop work has been done to it. Some edits are fine and thankfully so. No one wants to see the pimples or zits on there face. I personal like the photoshop diet, but often times it gets carried away.

I do admire the those who can use software (photoshop or the like) quickly and make it appear as though it has always been there. "It takes it time to learn.", "Buy a good instruction book.", and "Take some classes!" are comments I hear from those who can manipulate there photos and make it look good.

Some of the best advise I have been given and give out is "keep it simple", and "learn to do it right in/with the camera". I spend less time at the computer if I take the time to set up and prepare for the photograph.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Dew Drops

The last of the fall color.

More Halloween Fun

This year, for Halloween, I was Uncle Fester from The Adams Family. I realize this is a late post but thought it would be good for a laugh still! The photo was taken by a co-worker, Amber, in the studio. Each year we set things up for Halloween and invite kids of all ages to come in costume for a free setting and 4X6 print. It is fun to see the creativity of parents and children with there costumes. Coming up with a costume for Halloween is hard but fun nonetheless. Just try selling a camera in costume! Would you buy anything from Uncle Fester but light bulbs? LOL!