Another dreary day filled with rain didn't stop this Yellow-Headed Blackbird from singing a tune! Other than a few ducks he was the only creature out in the rain with me. His song and brightly colored head quickly caught my eye. Can I get close enough or will he fly off? Those of you who capture wildlife on a regular basis make it look easy. Patience and slow movements pay off, though it is not easy. I now understand why so many like the "hunt". I will keep my eyes and ears open for the opportunity to catch the wildlife near me again. D200, 70-200mm lens, f5, 1/60 sec., ISO 200
Wow...I am loving these photos. Just Beautilful!!
Great capture David, and what a beauty he is.
Absolutely love that last one. It looks like he is warbling his little heart out!
I would love to have that printed and hanging in my kitchen. :D
3rd image is where it's at. Very nice.
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