Which do you like better? Color or Black and White? I find the black and white to be pleasing, but I don't care for the sky. Converting it to black and white has caused the sky to look noisy or pixelled. (Is that a word?) Any thoughts? Many of you have posted black and whites and they look great. I must be missing doing something wrong in the software. I have used Photoshop Elements 6 to make the changes. D200, 70-200mm lens, f5.6, 1/500 sec., ISO 200.
I like the colour version, but it also works in B&W too.
I'm not a great fan of B&W pictures; much prefer colour, but some shots do look better converted.
The B&W sky may look a bit to dark or noisy + pixelled but I Still prefer the B&W, its gives out the age of the tree much better...
Great photo's!
I prefer the color b/c of the sky as you stated. I use elements 7 and I believer there are a few more black and white choices which may fit your needs. Utah must be a beautiful state for photos so keep up the good work!
usually I am B/W advocate...but here, I like the deep blue of the sky.
Awesome shot, either way. :)
You should try a few different color filters on the B&W to see what kind of contrasts and density changes you can get. I like 'em both, but give the edge to the B&W.
i like the black and white better. it suits the curves of the tree. but it's a very beautiful picture either way!
To answer your question on my forgotten angels post, i actually don't use black and white conversion in that picture, but instead i decrease the saturation a lot so that it has a slightly black and white effect, but it also leaves a hint of color in the originally really colorful areas.
I like the color better the sky is a great backgroud for the tree. I love black and white also but I don't have a clue how to convert it so I shoot it in black and which whick is risky because that's all you get, haha. Maybe try to do brown tones instead of the black if you want the aged look? I think the white in the wood needs to be a little brighter to make it pop! Play with it some more and post it again if you want. Way to challege your self ;) Good Job!
I like the B&W but I'd bump the contrast up in it. As far as fixing the pixelation I would make a layer, do a gausie and blur filter to it and then erase the filter from the tree etc. It wouldn't be a straight image any longer but what do you care right?
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