On my way home from work the other day, I drove a different way. The detour was through the neighborhood instead of using the main road. I have done this many time before. I wave and honk to those I know but notice nothing else until now. Large bouquets of these beautiful white flowers fill the yards of many a home. I must find out what kind they are and plant them in my own yard. I'd love to pick some and bring into the house. My wife loves daisies. May-be I can sweet talk her into a new lens with a handful of these lovely flowers! Cross my fingers and toes! D200, aperture priority f5.6, ISO 200, 70-200mm lens with 2x teleconverter so I can shoot from the sidewalk, it was early in the morning and I did not want to wake any one for permission.
wow! this is really beautiful. i can't believe you shot from that far away and still got such great detail. nicely done!
Totally love this one, great job!
I like that off centre composition on this David. Kept good detail too with a 2X converter.
I really like the POV also. Nice One
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