My neighbor took me on a little road trip to see baby owls. There are three in the nest, I could only see two, with mommy owl no where in sight. While out for a drive, he looked through the sun roof in his truck to spy the large nest and its residents. What a find! There was another large nest about 100 to 150 yards up the road. If there were youngsters in it we could not see them. I would hate to be a mouse, rabbit, chihuahua or cat! There are some hungry birds looking for dinner!
It was overcast for the first picture and much brighter for the second. I used a 70-200mm lens with a 2X teleconverter. Some cropping and levels correction was done to enhance the pictures.
What an exciting find! They have such cute little faces...
interesting name for your photo!
Love your title. We had owls once...they eat brains so you will find lots of headless bodies around under the nest!
Last year we had hawks, we found lots of body parts and wondered what was going on til we found the nest.
Sorry to be so morbid...my son is looking over my shoulder saying How can you post that? Oh well. I thought it was interesting.
Do you know what kind of owls they are, they are adorable.
I think they are great horn(ed) owls. Not 100% sure on that. My neighbor went by today and said they were gone. I hope mommy owl took them some where else. They could have fallen out of the nest or a another bird of prey had lunch! Thanks for visiting my blog. Give my best to your son. Your post wasn't all that morbid, I have lots to learn about nature, animals and the world I photograph. Like most, I take it advantage of it with little thought. Sometimes a trip to the library for a few books or a goggle search helps me learn a few facts. I can now add you,and other bolg friends, as a source for thinks I don't know. Thanks!
Great shots, David. I'm glad you found and shared them.
Awesome! I love the photos.
What a fantastic find! Every so often we get these brilliant wildlife opps. Thank you for sharing!
Hi David! Great photos! I enjoyed going through them and I loved the owls! I would love to know where that was taken. I hope they are safe.
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