"Go West...!" I did and what is out there for your viewing pleasure? Not much! As you head west out of the state of Utah there is nothing to see but road and large areas of open smelly lake bed. The Great Salt Lake was once larger than it is now and it's hard to believe water covered the road to Nevada.
I had remembered that there was some art work along the highway. The "tree"and a "car hedge" at one time. The car art was not there but tree did not disappoint.
Out in the middle of nowhere on the north side of the road there is this LARGE cement tree. I will have to find out more about it and post a link.
Since I was this far, I went to the Bonneville Salt Flats and set a new land speed record in a truck! Not really! There was water and it made a soft thick mud that stuck to tires and mudflaps for days. I may still have some leftovers hanging on.
The movie Independence Day has some scenes shot out at the salt flats. It is as vast and lifeless as the movies shows. Remember Will Smith dragging the alien in the parachute?
This summer I will have to try and get out there again. One, to drive on the salt flats, two, to capture the the harsh beauty at night. May-be with storm clouds and lightning or a star filled sky.
Does anyone want to come? It is a long drive by myself. Paul thanks for coming with me. Get that camera out and remember to rotate the CPL filter!
Maybe make a photography group trip of it! I'd go!
I like the panorama!
If only I lived nearer......
Wow! I love the top one.
It's been too long, well maybe not, since I took the drive to Wendover. Though I have thought seriously about trying to get to speed week in August. I'll have to see how the schedule holds out.
All this rain has been good for reflection shots off the lake, though most of mine include sunsets, yours is great from that angle.
I love the firs one. Beautiful view!
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