I have showed my softer side quite a bit lately. Someone asked me if I liked flowers. I said no, not really, they are close by and I have easy access to them as a subject. Flowers give me the chance to practice DOF and macro, which help make me a more rounded and better photographer. There is a lot to learn, and skills to develop in photography. Practice, practice, practice is what make us better and I sometimes get lazy. I off to find a new subject and get back into action! I hope you will stay tuned.
I've been really loving the photos you have been posting. I particularly like the colors on this one.
Nothing wrong with shooting flowers David. This is another good one from you.
I agree with holdingmoments-nothing wrong with a good flower picture.So many colors and settings to explore.I like this picture alot!
Thanks, I will do more flowers again. I like action shots the most and there is not much action going on right now. I think I will have to become more creative and make my own.
Like this one. Fine bokeh, very malleable light and form. The flower and the background complements in very nice way.
Besides, flowers are good teachers. Colour, composition, details, lights, they don't run away... ;-)
Don't stop shooting the flowers, they are great. You are getting a wonderful collection. You should make a calendar with them or something :)
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