I final used the extension tube my father-in-law loaned me. I went old school, my Nikon D50 in manual, with Vivitar 12mm, 20mm, 36mm tubes (these are really old) and a Quantaray 70-300mm lens. With some luck and a less than steady hand I captured this spider. Its size is smaller than an aspirin pill. I was impressed with the detail and how easy to get such a close shot without disturbing the spider. Must use a tripod next time. The simple act of breathing took me in and out of focus making it difficult to get a good shot. This was the best of 15 pictures. I did some levels correction and cropped the photo. Given the time this week or weekend I will explore more of the bushes and garden at my home. I need to spray for spiders and bugs around the windows and doors also. I don't want any visitors in the house that can't ring the doorbell! Do you?
You have fantastic photos. Congratulation!!!
Impressivley sharp for hand held David.
Not too keen on uninvited guests myself lol
Wow! That's the monster!
Fine shot, spider in dramatic pose and the web, they look... gothic ;-)
Beatiful bokeh.
Wow! That's the monster!
Fine shot, spider in dramatic pose and the web, they look... gothic ;-)
Beatiful bokeh.
Very cool! Also love the sunflower shots! keep it up!
Amazing capture! Great macro shot....I love the detail!
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