While out on a family outing, I saw this young man cruising on the lake. He was jumping the wake created by another boat. With my camera in hand, my brother-in-law at the wheel, we asked if he would be willing to jump the wake of our boat while I took pictures. He responded with a "Sure!" and pushed the throttle creating a wave and spout of water out the back of the wave runner. Throttle down and a quick turn he was headed back toward us. The first few passes didn't launch the craft very high, this was fine because I needed get the camera setting dialed in right. Do you have any idea how difficult it is to photography a moving subject, while moving up, down, and side to side yourself? Do they make Dramamine for cameras? Oh yes! Its called (VR) vibration reduction! The 55-200mm lens I was using, did not have VR! I have not used that particular lens in a long time, and forgot that it does not have VR. Work with what you have right! Time to kick up the shutter speed and spread the feet apart more and bend the knees. In the end I got a good picture, a little work out and a sunburn that only peeled a layer off of my face. D200, Nikon 55-200mm lens, f/4.5, 1/400 sec., ISO 100.
Great action shots David.
Worth losing a bit of skin for lol
Awesome shots! I'd have liked to be in another boat taking shots of you trying to get these! lol
I love watery action shots like this! Super job, Dave!
Thanks Keith, I was scary looking for a few days!
Darlin you are welcome to come to Utah and shoot all the pictures you want of me. I charge a $1 for each one! LOL!
Carolyn thanks.
Oh the sacrifices we make for our photos. Blood, Sweat and Tears! Worth it though. Nice shots.
love the spray .. wonderful close ups..
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