Sunday, March 21, 2010

Balloon Burst!

All the above pictures were shot with a D200, at f/2.8, 1/8000 sec., ISO 1600, spot metering, tripod and with a 70-200mm f/2.8 lens.

I dare you to shoot pictures like these! We had a fun day of shooting today. If you attempt this make sure you have enough light. Lots of light is the key. I believe we will try this again during the summer, outside with the noon day sun. Did I tell you, you need a ton of light! A camera with a high burst rate helps too.

"We" are: Paul my friend and his new Nikon D300s, my son and I. We set up in the garage with lights, cameras, water balloons, and two types of darts. A special thanks to my son who was sent in and out of the house several times to get all the little things we needed to pull off this shoot. He also blew and threw darts for us. Thanks bud!

The chance to shoot at 1/8000 of a second does not come along too often. I was afraid I would not be able to keep up with the D300s. In ISO capability I did not. My ISO 1600 did not hold a candle to that of the D300s. For this reason I remind you to have lots of light when attempting this type of picture. We finally open the garage door to flood the area with sunlight. Next time we will be completely outside. Also get a large bucket and fill it with water balloons so you don’t have to stop and fill balloons as often. I hope you enjoy the balloon bursting shots. We discussed some variations for the next time so it looks as though there will be more balloon bursting in the future.

I saved the best for last! The following pictures are from Paul. Shot with a Nikon D300s, Sigma 70-200mm f/2.8 lens, seven frames per second burst rate, a tripod and a big smile! Enjoy the new camera Paul. Thanks, the pictures are awesome!


Anonymous said...

These are absolutely unbelievably awesome! I really like 2, 4, and 5.

I would love to do this if I had the patience.

Kudos to Paul too!
Of his I really like 1, 4, and 5.

Great work!
['ô ] Avery

holdingmoments said...

Oh wow; that does look a lot of fun. Just what photography should be David.
Excellent results.

(I hope you let your son have a go too, after all his hard work lol)

Scott Law said...

Those are great. It does look like a lot of fun and I'm going to have to try it. Also thanks for the hints but I do have one question . . . Do you need much light?

Suburban Girl said...

This is so over the top totally awesome. I've never been brave enough to try anything like this. You must be thrilled with these results!

These shots remind me of another photographer I follow that you will love:

Bravo to you!

Unknown said...

David, you are just made of awesome. Every one of these photos is great. I'm inspired! I can't wait for summer to arrive so I can try something along these lines!

Jeff Farabee said...

These pictures speak for themselves, David! I don't think that it could be any more fun than that. These are great pictures!

Yep said...

Dang! Those are sweet! That looks like it was a ton of fun. Great images as well.

Woody said...

Very cool. If you think about this in film terms, well, you can't. ISO 1600? Good luck with that.

Amazing sequence! I like the dart entering the red balloon before it breaks.

Marka said...

Great photos!

Christine Heslop said...

Those are the funnest photos! Who would have thought you could shoot water coming out of balloons like that? How wet did you get? I didn't see any wet t-shirt contest photos afterword....

Suburban Girl said...

Can't wait to see what you come up with with your reversing ring. Sometimes I just love the shots I can get and other times the whole process frustrates the heck out of me! I guess it depends on what is being photographed and if it works well with macro.

Just Jame said...

Wow, these are amazing, I never would have thought to do something like that! Very creative, great job, maybe i will try that sometime!

Utah Mommy said...

Awesome series of photos!!!! Amazing and unbelievably captured!!!