Monday, September 27, 2010
Don't Forget The Challenge Of 10!
This is a reminder to get it finished, started or a invite to participate in the challenge. 10 photos of the something arranged 10 different ways, or 10 photos of the different things arranged the same way! Actually it just as to have something to do with 10; the number, the people you love the most, the most wanted (lol), your 10 best photographs, the 10 best places to eat or 10 of the worst! The challenge is open to your creative minds, not dirty minds, all for fun and something different to do. Put them together in a college or maybe you can get them all in one shot. It make no difference. Post the picture(s) on 10-10-10. I will be by to visit your blog to make a comment. I hope to make a link on my page of those who have participated so everyone else can take a look at your 10 also. I look forward to seeing the 10 you come up with! If you know 10 others who might take on such a challenge invite them. Good luck.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
More Fall Colors

I just had to pull over to get a picture. The hill side spilled over the road with color! It was a breath taking view.

When do you take a vertical picture?

Answer, right after taking the horizontal picture!

On the last few road trips I have taken my brother or father with me. We have taken some long dirt roads to dizzying heights. Many of the roads needed high clearance and possibly four wheel drive. Kidney punchers for sure! The cool fresh air and view are worth the trouble. The ride would be more fun on four wheelers, I'll add them to my wish list too! This trip was American Fork Canyon, the Alpine Loop, and Provo Canyon. If you are looking for fall colors these are just a few places in Utah to go.
Kitten At Play

This cute kitten was playing in the driveway when I came upon it. The item getting so much affection was a mouse. I watched for a while and took a few pictures. I was using a Nikon D700 with a 500mm f/4 lens. Barrowed equipment, unfortunately, for the evening. The lens was very heavy but a thrill to shoot with. I poked the lens out the window and used the door as a brace to capture the kitten at play. Setting were f/7.1, 1/2000 of a sec., ISO 200.
Sunset Sunday II
The Backyard
Monday, September 20, 2010
Fall Color Begins

The fall colors are starting here in Utah's mountains. Not seeing them would be a tragedy! My son and I went on a little road trip finding these beautiful colors near Snow Basin ski resort above Pine View Dam. The aspens have not started to turn yellow just yet, so there is time to get out for a drive and capture the colors of nature. If you are a hiker, the trails are waiting for you with fresh air, more color, and even better views! Enjoy!
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Sunset Sunday

Scott Law at Finding Another View does a Sunset Sunday each week, and I finally have one to post on a Sunday. Go and visit his blog page. He has some great stuff. This was shot during the Nikon sponsored shoot out, September 11, 2010. The funny thing about this picture is I used my own equipment! D200, Sigma 18-50mm lens, f/13, 1/80 of a sec., ISO 100. Go figure! I do have a sunset picture I'll post later, that was shot with a 300mm f/2.8 lens. I had four others with me who borrowed Nikon equipment and I helped them with any questions, so I didn't shot much myself. It was a fun night. I look forward to the next one.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Wild Fire

The large plums of smoke attracted attention for miles away. I first saw the smoke as I came home from Salt Lake City. The fire was started by a lighting. After, I realized where the fire was I gave it no thought. I had the chance to use a 200 - 400mm f/4 lens from Nikon, and wanted to shoot some action shots. The fire was not what I had in mind. My first look at the fire, I realized it was a long way out with no way to get to it. I didn't find any games at the high schools, and no one playing at the parks, so I made my way home.

Since, I was getting closer to my girls school I thought I would pick them up. I was headed the back way to the school when I realized how close the smoke was. I turned right, for the smoke, not left, for my girls and the school. The fire was in the marsh lands around the Great Salt Lake. From the dirt road I was on, I could see the flames and a helicopter fighting to get them under control. Other firefighters and water tank trucks drove past and sat up in the field about a football fields length away from me.
I wanted action to photograph and there it was! Quickly, I jumped in the back of the truck to set up and start taking pictures. Several on lookers stopped to see the events unfold, also. A few asked me if I knew what was going on. Others had there own cameras out taking pictures too. The news media was there also, video and sound bites for those guys! I don't think this road has not seen this much traffic before!

At one point it looked as if the fire was about to burn itself out. The wind changed direction and with a gust the flames shot into the air again with black smoke filling the sky. What a site! Great for me and other spectators, not so great for those who are trying to fight it.

The live stock was oblivious to the events around them. The cows kept doing what cows do! If the fire had been closer they may have moo-ved! Ha! Ha! Ha!
The birds, however, were taking off for greener pastures! A flock of Canadian Geese flew by, several small birds, sparrows etc... and some gray herons I think. The geese honked as they went by as if to warn us! I was staying put, I had a big lens to use and I wanted to get the most out of it. Sometimes I just love working at a camera store! Nikon sponsored an event we did out at Antelope Island, this is way I am able to barrow some very nice equipment. I love it when that happens, my wish list get bigger each time.
The pilot did fantastic job! He or she made it look easy. He/she has the best set for viewing the fire. I wonder, do they have a camera on board? Will they give me a ride? NO WAY! I am fine with the point of view I already have. A very special thanks to Nikon for the equipment and support, be sure to check out there web site for some of the lastest gear. The D7000 was just announced and it looks like it will be a good one! I used a D200, Nikon 200-400mm f/4 lens and a 2x teleconverter on few of the pictures. Some edits and croping done also.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Sailing On Bear Lake

There are several sail boats docked at the marinas around Bear Lake. My family and I have gone to Bear Lake for a mini vacation five or six times now, and this is only the second time we have seen any one sail on the lake. This little guy, had the brightest sail and quickly caught my eye. I will have to spend more than one day at the lake if I want to see several sail boats out at a time. I'll need a windy day and a super zoom lens to capture them from the shoreline. Another reason to get a super zoom!
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