My wife found these "paper clips" at some store. My children took many of them to school to use. Sometimes it is fun to have a silly last name. I use these to keep all my important papers from running away! LOL!
I got the idea to shoot this picture from a book by Bryan Peterson entitled, Understanding Close-up Photography. If you come across the book, I suggest you buy it. It will make a great addition to the library. In it he uses a lemon slice with a green back ground. My version has an orange slice and a blue back ground. I know, not my original idea but doing this has helped pull me out of a photography slump. Thanks Bryan! I have a lighting kit (check one off the wish list) and have not used it very much. I set up at the kitchen table and spent about two hours experimenting. The orange slice was just one of a few items to be captured. Check back for the others. I used a Nikon 105mm f/2.8 micro lens, f/7.1, 1/50 sec., ISO 400. Auto levels correction was utilized to enhance the background. I used sparkling water and a little salt to keep the bubbles bubbling. I have some other ideas to try when the fruit is back in season.
Aperture priority mode, f/11, 1/10 sec., ISO 100, Nikon's new 85mm micro lens on my trusty D200. Some levels adjustment and a little clean up of the dice.
Nikon's AF-S DX Micro 85mm f/3.5G ED VR lens is pretty impressive. It is light weight, compared to their 105mm micro, sharp, and fun to use. If only there where flowers in bloom! This lens may have to be added to the bag!