This fair weather photographer has stepped out again to capture a winter scene. While driving back from my children's school I noticed the fog rolling over the farmland near our home. I went home picked up my camera and went back out. In my slippers! Every thing was fine until I started back for the truck, a slipper fell off! The snow wasn't just cold, it was cold and icy. It felt like I was walking on glass. Thank goodness the heater works well in the truck, I turned it up full blast and onto my feet.
I like the way the fog shows up in the black and white. There are some nice contrasts in the snow as well. When I look at the color picture, with its blue snow, I think its a bit off. Everyone knows colored snow is yellow and we don't eat it! Not blue! The Outdoor Photographer magazine just came, and an article on the cover says "Go B&W In Winter". For this post I thought I would, in honor of the magazine article I will soon enjoy reading. Bundle up, keep warm, and for goodness sake put your boots on if your going out in the snow.